Wellness Wednesday with The Fortress




Q: What inspired you to start The Fortress?

A: The Fortress started during the height of COVID, when all the gyms on the island shut down. From prior clients to neighbors to coworkers, people still wanted to train together. We all did our own things going on runs and doing body weight workouts at home, but many of us missed the community aspect of fitness - pushing each other, competing with each other, cheering for each other. So we tried a couple different things: Zoom classes and meeting at vacant fields. It was fun, and we still do those things, but building up our home gym, outfitting it with good equipment, and literally opening our doors to the community is where we found the most satisfaction and where our new “Fortress family” a way to be hopeful and renew their positive attitudes through fitness.

Q. What is your mission?

A. Our mission is to better the health of the island through collaboration, competition, and commitment, through and to fitness.

Q. Tell us more about what you offer.

A. We offer classes throughout the week for people of all skill levels, from those beginning their fitness journey to those who want to compete. Classes are in Yigo and Hagåtña, and we post the schedules regularly on social media. We also do a Community Workout every first Sunday of the month, open to everyone, for just $5 to drop in. This has been a fun way to create friendships, expand networks, and strengthen community ties, all through a quick one hour workout.

Q: How can we reserve a spot?

A: You can contact us through Instagram @thefortressguam or email us at fortressguam@gmail.com.

Q. What is your wellness motto?

A. Our slogan is “Faith, Family, Fitness.” In training together regularly, we reap so much more benefit than just the physical. The bonds we make and the opportunities to be there for and support each other draw us closer to who we were meant to be. Wellness is not just how much we can lift or how our bodies look. Wellness is holistic.